VISCONTI Voyager 30, Limited Edition, hard rubber, F nib
Item number: 37751
Mint and boxed, limited to 300 pieces. 18 carat F gold nib. Deliver as shown.
999,00 EUR
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1.100,00 EUR
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Visconti Taj Mahal Prototype
Item number: 8711
Mint. Camed back from a shop salesman, maybe tested. Not numbered. No original box or paperwork, of course an proper invoice. Oversize pen. Closed over 15 cm! 18 carat F goldnib. Touchdown filler. Buyer pays €15 for [more...]
1.875,00 EUR
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2.062,50 EUR
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01d 01h:38m:12s
VISCONTI Emotion Automatic Watch, red, Limited Edition
Item number: 38984
Mint. Automatic watch. Including 2nd strap. Comes in a neutral, no name watch box. Deliver as shown.
620,00 EUR
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650,00 EUR
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01d 01h:58m:12s
VISCONTI Emotion Automatic Watch, blue, Limited Edition
Item number: 38985
Mint. Automatic watch. Including 2nd strap. Comes in a neutral, no name watch box. Deliver as shown.
620,00 EUR
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650,00 EUR
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01d 01h:58m:12s
Visconti Declaration of Independence pen, limited edition, only 776 pieces
Item number: 23458
Mint. 23 carat medium PD nib. No box, will delivered like pictured. Camed this way from a distribution stock. German retail 2012: 2500.- euros. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.
1.875,00 EUR
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2.000,00 EUR
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01d 22h:48m:09s
Visconti Erotic pen, black with 18 carat sleeve, limited to 69 pieces only!
Item number: 19581
Mint and boxed.  I am not shure if this pen ever camed with an inkwell, if so..its missing.18 carat B goldnib. Limited Edtion (69 pieces!!). Touchdown filler. Sleeve is solid 18 carat. RARE. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.    
2.187,50 EUR
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2.312,50 EUR
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02d 06h:03m:09s
Visconti Alhambra pen, black with 18 carat sleeve, limited to 88 pieces only!
Item number: 19582
Mint and boxed. 18 carat B goldnib. Limited Edtion (88 pieces!!). Touchdown filler. Sleeve is solid 18 carat. RARE. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.    
2.187,50 EUR
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2.312,50 EUR
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02d 06h:03m:09s
Visconti Alhambra pen, black with 18 carat WHITEGOLD sleeve, limited to 88 pieces only!
Item number: 19583
Mint and boxed. 18 carat B goldnib. Limited Edtion (88 pieces!!). Touchdown filler. Sleeve is solid 18 carat. RARE. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.    
2.187,50 EUR
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2.312,50 EUR
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02d 06h:03m:09s
Visconti 300 Anniversaío della Fondazione Cervianuova > limited to 300 pieces only
Item number: 18482
Mint and boxed. 14 carat M goldnib. Buyer pays €20 for shipping (because of the heavy box).     AGB`s und Widerruf für in Deutschland ansässige Kunden: + [more...]
812,50 EUR
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850,00 EUR
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03d 17h:18m:10s
Visconti EROTIC pen, rare limited edition, only 69 pieces worldwide
Item number: 9924
Very slight used and boxed. Luck if you find one of these pens. 18 carat B goldnib. Buyer pays €35 for shipping.
937,50 EUR
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1.000,00 EUR
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03d 17h:38m:12s
VISCONTI Skeleton ballpoint, titanium
Item number: 38115
Mint.  Comes back from a shop, small split in lower plastic, which does not influence the function. Deliver as shown.
450,00 EUR
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475,00 EUR
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04d 04h:38m:09s
VISCONTI Taj Mahal fountain pen, red/rosegold
Item number: 36552
Back from a collector, not used, but packaging shows some using wear. 18 carat M gold nib.
1.650,00 EUR
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1.750,00 EUR
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05d 04h:08m:08s
VISCONTI black travelling inkwell for Erotic pen
Item number: 36575
Back from a collector. We describe  this inkwell as used, because  the box looks slight used, and I am not sure if this is the correct box for this inkwell. A scratch (not a split) in the ink window.  I don´t think the inkwell [more...]
125,00 EUR
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150,00 EUR
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05d 04h:58m:07s
Visconti \"Mc Donald\" employer roller
Item number: 18786
Mint. this pen is given to Mc Donald employers when they are having their 10th anniversary in this company. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.     AGB`s und Widerruf für in Deutschland ansässige Kunden: [more...]
343,75 EUR
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375,00 EUR
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05d 05h:23m:09s
Visconti white Rembrandt fountain pen
Item number: 34990
Mint. Steel M nib. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.
123,75 EUR
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137,50 EUR
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05d 08h:03m:08s
Visconti 1st Visconti convention
Item number: 17309
Used. 18 carat M goldnib. Will be delivered like pictured. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.
562,50 EUR
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625,00 EUR
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06d 07h:18m:09s
VISCONTI Skeleton pen, red/titanium
Item number: 17310
Mint. 14 carat M goldnib. Deliver as shown.
650,00 EUR
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699,00 EUR
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06d 07h:18m:09s
Visconti Voyager Club Corno, Demo pen
Item number: 17314
Mint. 18 carat M goldnib. Will be delivered like pictured. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.
687,50 EUR
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718,75 EUR
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06d 07h:18m:09s
VISCONTI parts pen: Voyager Anniversary pen, 1998 (without clip)
Item number: 36206
Only usable if someone needs material for repair. Totally damaged pen.Deliver as shown.
50,00 EUR
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60,00 EUR
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06d 09h:28m:08s
VISCONTI parts pen: Voyager Anniversary pen, 1998 (with clip)
Item number: 36207
Only a parts pen, mechanism needs attention, no nib. Deliver as shown.
200,00 EUR
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225,00 EUR
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06d 09h:28m:08s
Exclusive VISCONTI inkwell
Item number: 38605
Mint. Deliver as shown.
88,00 EUR
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99,00 EUR
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09d 04h:03m:08s
VISCONTI fountain pen  Pininfarina Carbon Graphite, Limited Edition
Item number: 38836
Slight used, but no box. Retractable Medium Smartouch Nib. Limited to 930 pieces.  Deliver as shown.
1.150,00 EUR
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1.200,00 EUR
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09d 23h:18m:08s
VISCONTI Dali pen, blue with 23 carat nib!
Item number: 38039
Mint and boxed. 23 carat palladium M nib. Deliver as shown. 
2.650,00 EUR
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2.750,00 EUR
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12d 04h:38m:07s
VISCONTI Uffizi vermeille pen parts
Item number: 38003
The barrel is in very good condition, no cracks. The cap has a misding clip. Section and feed enclosed, but section celluloid is damaged. Deliver as shown.
325,00 EUR
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350,00 EUR
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12d 20h:48m:08s
Visconti Erotic pen, rhr, only 69 pieces!
Item number: 17301
Mint and boxed. 18 carat B goldnib. Buyer pays €10 for shipping.
1.186,25 EUR
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1.236,25 EUR
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14d 21h:18m:08s
VISCONTI Mazzi Ramses pen, only 99 pieces made!
Item number: 31856
Mint (was tested) and boxed. Dreamtouch 23 carat 1,3 nib. Deliver as shown.
950,00 EUR
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965,00 EUR
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18d 17h:48m:09s